Sala Baï Partners
They support us
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is a financial institution and the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries and overseas territories.
On February 13th of 2017, a grant agreement was signed with Sala Baï to increase the number of students per year and to finance the construction of new dormitories to accommodate all the students.

Skills Development Fund
SDF is a financing mechanism created by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) in March 2018. Its objective is to promote sustainable skills development, diversify Cambodia’s economy, and create decent jobs for its citizens.
Since 2023, SDF has been supporting our school. Their support is a strong symbol and recognition of the fight against poverty and human trafficking in Cambodia, while also addressing the needs of the hospitality sector in the country.

The If International Foundation whose mission is to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable by promoting education and women empowerment, supports the development of Sala Baï by financing the construction of the students accommodations. IF continues to be a faithful supporter of Sala Baï by taking charge of the training of the students.

Sala Bai is a member of the Association of Souhteast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality and Catering (ASSET H&C), a network that brings together vocational training centers sharing a common social mission: bringing positive change in the lives of vulnerable youth.
In 2022, Sala Baï School is supported by the H&C New Regenerate asset program. This is a post-pandemic recovery program.

In 2007, a group of small-business owners launched B1G1 initiative to enable companies to create a specific giving impact with each designated business transaction. Today, the B1G1 initiative brings together more than 2,600 businesses from around the world — each making significant social impacts in their own ways.
Today B1G1 is run by a social enterprise (registered company in Singapore) and non-profit organization (501(c)3 registered in the US) with a mission to create a world that’s full of giving. Unlike conventional giving models, B1G1 specifically helps small- and medium-sized businesses achieve more social impact by embedding giving activities into everyday business operations and creating unique giving stories.

Challenge Pour Le Cambodge has been an association partner of APLC since 2005. It provides a quarterly financial support to Sala Baï. Founded by a Frenchman who has lived in Cambodia for a long time, who has been able to mobilize friends and acquaintances, the association is currently supporting several projects in the country.
Since 2005, this association organizes an annual fundraising dinner for the benefit of Sala Baï with the students of the Lycée hôtelier Sainte-Anne in Saint-Nazaire (Loire Atlantique).

François Dauvergne and Jean-François Ranvier are two wine creators partners who decided to associate with winemakers to guide and support them throughout the year.
They are loyal supporters of APLC, especially in the organisation of the gastronomic dinners for Sala Baï. They showed great solidarity with the school’s students during the pandemic.

EDUCADEV is an association working in ten countries, including Cambodia, to enable children from undepriviledged areas to continue their education in good conditions.
The NGO EDUCADEV supports APLC since 2013. EDUCADEV has renewed its commitment to Sala Baï by providing uniforms and school supplies for the 2018-2019 promotion.

Fondation Cassiopée supported the development of the Sala Baï program by funding the construction of the new school and dormitories, and by covering the costs of the training of several students.
The Foundation acted with Agir pour le Cambodge to support students’ families impoverished by the COVID-19 crisis.It renewed its trust and support by financing works at Sala Baï: storage areas and creation of an infirmary.

Fondation Luciole is housed at the Institut de France, acts in France and abroad in the field of training and environmental protection.
It supports and takes charge of the training of the students of the 2021-2022 class of Sala Baï.

The Fondation Ponts Neufs wishes to join the fight against the social effects of climate change. In this respect, the foundation supports Sala Baï by carrying out ecological prevention actions.
The foundation is paying part of the cost of installing solar panels on the roofs of Sala Baï’s boarding schools.

The Fondation PRO-FEMMES (PRO-WOMEN Foundation) aims to support associations that help poor women to be empowered, in their familial and professional environments, in developing countries. The Foundation is supporting the 5th consecutive intake of Sala Baï school.

The Foundation acts in favor of women’s role in environmental protection and in the fight against global warming, which includes the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, access to green energies for women, projects of natural resources management, waste management, and resilience to climate change that engage women.
The Foundation focuses on women leading innovations and resilience strategies to protect natural resources and biodiversity. As the first victims of the consequences of climate change, women play a major role in the implementation of concrete and useful solutions to prevent and reduce those consequences and their expected impact.

The Sisley-d’Ornano foundation helped Sala Baï by granting funds for the construction of the new school and dormitories, by sponsoring “Beauty Therapy” and by helping Agir pour le Cambodge to design this curriculum. In 2019, the company conducted a new skills sponsorship mission by sending a trainer to Sala Baï School for a week to train the beauty therapy teacher.

The Friends of Sala Baï in Australia (FOSBA) was created in 2005 by three businessmen in the hotel and training industries. Since then, the association has raised funds and supported the hotel school at Sala Baï through its expanding network. The students of the Blue Mountains Hotel Management School are one of the most active fundraising groups within Friends of Sala Baï Australia.
At the same time, the FOSBA family has grown by 150 members, both individuals and companies.

A longstanding partner of Agir pour le Cambodge, Le Guide du Routard has supported the Sala Baï school since it opened. Listing Sala Baï in one of the most widely sold French language guidebooks has proved to be an excellent way of raising awareness about the project among travellers who are interested in equitable tourism.
Le Guide du Routard publishes information provided by Agir pour le Cambodge free of charge in each new edition of their guidebook on Cambodia and donates a return ticket to Siem Riep so that a permanent member of the Paris team is able to travel to Cambodia on a field mission which is vital for the team’s communication and fund-raising work.

Association for transporting volunteers, it supports NGOs to send human resources into the field. The missions concerning Sala Baï last at least one year and are dedicated to technical assistance and transferring know-how to the Khmer team.
Up to date, La Guilde Européenne du Raid manages three volunteer missions as VSI (two years mission renewable) and two civic service missions.

The European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD) provides development assistance in fifteen countries over the world. The IECD supports human and economic development, and builds with local partners suitable environments for the development of each person’s talents.
The main goal of the IECD is to give beneficiaries the necessary skills to enhance their living conditions and to become responsible actors in their countries, contributing to a fairest society. The IECD has developed expertise in 3 fields: education, professional training and integration, and entrepreneurship.

Krama Krama, a French company that sells kramas on-line (including one in Sala Baï colors) through, renewed its partnership with APLC and donates €5 for each krama it sells.

Les Enfants d’Angkor Wat, an association under the 1901 law, aims to support financially projects for Cambodian children from very poor families. Les Enfants d’Angkor Wat supports Sala Baï by regularly funding equipment for students: printing of course materials and manuals, renewal of computers for online teaching.
In 2021, Les Enfants d’Angkor Wat strengthened their support by taking over part of the financing of the installation of solar panels on the roofs of the boarding schools.

The Lycée des métiers Sainte-Anne in Saint-Nazaire is a high school that trains students in the hotel, restaurant, health and social professions.
In partnership with the restaurateur Jacques Hybert and the association Challenge Cambodge, this high school has been organising fundraising dinners since 2005 to support the Sala Baï hotel school. Due to the pandemic, there were no dinners in 2020 and 2021.

Since 2017, the hotel school in La Rochelle has carried out skills sponsorship missions. Each year, three teachers and three students from the Lycée hôtelier de la Rochelle (cooking and restaurant) train students and teachers from Sala Baï. The French school regularly organizes prestigious dinners for the benefit of Sala Baï.

The McKinsey for Children Foundation aims to help children by protecting them and guiding them towards adulthood. To achieve this, McKinsey for Children focuses on school education and vocational training.
McKinsey for Children supports Sala Baï by regularly paying for the complete education (accommodation, food, health costs and school supplies) of Sala Baï students. The class of 2021-2022 is the 9th class that the McKinsey for Children Foundation has supported.

Noam Le Pottier has been a graphic designer for more than ten years. Among others, he is specialized in designing digital and printed products (flyers, annual reports, technical guides…). He has worked for several organizations and institutions to develop their communication supports. As a paper lover, he is strongly attached to printed supports. However, he also enjoys working on digital supports. He supported Agir pour le Cambodge for developing its 2019-2020 annual report.

One Hundred Aid, a German enterprise, has chosen to support APLC, by giving each month part of its benefit to Sala Baï.
This enterprise has the ambition to offer a selection of high quality products, meeting social and environmental responsibility. One Hundred Aid defines itself as being a friend for its customers, its employees, the citizens of the whole world and the environment. One of its best-seller products is the extra-pure organic certified Matcha Tea powder.
This support is the result of an enterprise policy that dubs paramount its social commitment.

Régis Marcon is a French 3-star chef and a loyal Sala Baï support. Each year with the support of the Ferrandi-Paris school, he gives a fundraising dinner for the benefit of Agir pour le Cambodge. He has regularly visited Sala Baï to train teachers.
“What makes the Sala Baï method? Professionalism, hard work, sharing, authenticity and smiles.”

SMART Axiata
In June 2020, during the COVID-19 crisis and the closure of schools in Cambodia, SMART Axiata supported Sala Baï by giving a smartphone to each students with 8 months of credits and other ICT tools such as LCD projectors, laptops and tablets. This donation was made under the CSR component of the mobile telecommunication operator to enable e-learning through ICT.

Sunline foundation is a family-run philanthropic organisation that supports sustainable solutions to societal challenges such as poverty, lack of education and environmental degradation.
In 2021, the Foundation decided to support the agroecological training at Sala Baï. It comes in addition to vocational training to raise awareness among all students on sustainable agriculture and food.

Support Sala Baï is a US non-profit organization, whose mission is to fight human trafficking through education and employment in hospitality.
It was co-founded by Francesca Bonavita, Laurie Farquhar and Sam McGoun, one of the founders of Touch Sala Baï in order to support the training program of the school.
Support Sala Baï organized some events in the US in order to collect money to support the school.

Sala Baï is supported by Swiss-Belhotel International thanks to the involvement of its CEO, Mr Gavin M. Faull who discovered the school through his connections with Friends of Sala Bai network and Blue Mountains Hotel School in Australia.
Swissbell hotel is committed to Sala Baï by training teachers. In August 2019, three teachers from Sala Baï followed a training in hotels of the Swissbel hotel international group in Indonesia.
Swiss-Bellhotel International support Sala Baï through the organization of regular fundraising events like conference charity and a special initiative where the corporate mascot the Bernard Dog (Bernie) is sold to guests in every hotels as a soft toy souvenir. A portion of the sale price is then donated to Sala Baï Hotel School.

Based in Singapore, Touch Sala Baï is an NGO whose mission is to fight poverty and human trafficking in Cambodia by providing education and employment in the hospitality industry. In pursuit of its mission, Touch Sala Baï provides a consistent funding source to and facilitates program partnerships for Sala Bai. Sam McGoun, its founder, competes on a regular basis in series of sports events (marathon and ironman) and discovery weekends at school to encourage his network to support the school.

through education and vocational training