Book a Room / a TableBe part of their training!
To have a meal or to stay at Sala Baï is to give another dimension to your trip to Cambodia. You’ll be actively participating in the vocational training of young disadvantaged Cambodians by allowing them to practice their newly acquired skills in real conditions while financing their training
Make a donation
You can help the French NGO Agir pour le Cambodge to continue its action because this program could not be financed without your support.
How to support Sala Baï?
► Through monthly or occasional donations, to help finance the training and daily students’ expenses:
If you live in France, you can get a tax deduction of 66% of your donation within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.
If you live abroad, your donations to Agir pour le Cambodge are also tax deductable in the USA, as well as in 6 European countries: Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Italy and Switzerland thanks to the Transnational Giving Europe accreditation.
You can find all the details here or contact us directly: [email protected].

through education and vocational training