Sala Baï’s alumni are deeply attached to their school. They regularly come to testify to encourage students in current intake to look to the future, to Believe in their skills and potential.

The Sala Baï Family Foundation has a tradition of inviting the school’s alumni to come back and share their experiences with the new intake. These encounters are an excellent opportunity for encouraging students to look ahead to the future, to believe in their potential and their skills, but also to explore possibilities in terms of their personal development.  

During the last session, no fewer than seven alumni from several different disciplines, aged between 24 and 34, came back to welcome the new students and tell them their stories. For all of our students who are from extremely poor backgrounds, the transition to the cosmopolitan world of luxury hotels is sometimes a shock. Alumni are well aware of this as they experienced it themselves in person just a few years ago. It’s also very important that they pass on a message of encouragement and reassurance: “Believe in yourself and the future will smile on you. We’re living proof that this is true!”  

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